Tuesday 8 March 2016

SAP ABAP Online Training

What is SAP ABAP?

ABAP remains for Advanced Business Application Programming, a 4GL (fourth era) dialect. Right now it is situated, alongside Java, as the primary dialect for SAP application server programming.

3-tier Client Server Architecture:

How about we begin with the abnormal state design of SAP framework. The 3-level Client/Server design of an ordinary SAP ABAP framework is delineated as takes after.

The Presentation layer comprises of any data gadget that can be utilized to control SAP framework. This could be a web program, a cell phone etcetera. All the focal preparing happens in Application server. The Application server is one framework in itself, as well as it can be different examples of the handling framework. The server corresponds with the Database layer that is generally continued a different server, primarily for execution reasons furthermore for security. Correspondence happens between every layer of the framework, from the Presentation layer to the Database and after that go down the chain.

ABAP programs live inside the SAP database. They execute under the control of the runtime framework that is a part of the SAP piece. The run-time framework forms all ABAP articulations, controlling the stream rationale and reacting to client occasions.

In this way, not at all like C++ and Java, ABAP projects are not put away in particular outer documents. Inside the database, ABAP code exists in two structures −

Source code that can be seen and altered with the ABAP workbench instruments.

Produced code, which is a twofold representation. On the off chance that you are acquainted with Java, this produced code is to some degree similar with Java byte code.

Advantages of ABAP:

  • perspective is utilized to recover the information fastly from the database tables 
  • memory wastage is diminished 
  • faster than joins to recover the information from database tables 
  • impediments: 
  • perspective is not a container,it won't hold the information 
  • view memory is not lasting memory


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