Friday 11 March 2016

ASP.Net Frame work

What is ASP.NET?
ASP.NET is a web improvement stage, which gives a programming model, a far reaching programming framework and different administrations required to develop strong web applications for PC, and in addition cell phones. 
ASP.NET takes a shot at top of the HTTP convention, and utilizations the HTTP charges and arrangements to set a program to-server respective correspondence and participation. 

ASP.NET is a piece of Microsoft .Net stage. ASP.NET applications are incorporated codes, composed utilizing the extensible and reusable parts or questions present in .Net system. These codes can utilize the whole progressive system of classes in .Net structure. 
The ASP.NET application codes can be composed in any of the accompanying dialects: 
  1. C# 
  2. Visual Basic.Net 
  3. J script 
  4. J# 
.Net Frameworks
1. Normal Language Runtime or CLR 
It performs memory administration, special case taking care of, investigating, security checking, string execution, code execution, code wellbeing, confirmation, and assemblage. 
2.  .Net Framework Class Library 
It contains an enormous library of reusable sorts. classes, interfaces, structures, and listed qualities, which are on the whole called sorts. 
3. Common Language Specification 
It contains the determinations for the .Net upheld dialects and usage of dialect mix. 
4. Common Type System 
It gives rules to proclaiming, utilizing, and overseeing sorts at runtime, and cross-dialect correspondence. 
5. Metadata and Assemblies 
Metadata is the twofold data portraying the project, which is either put away in a versatile executable record (PE) or in the memory. 
6. Windows Forms 
Windows Forms contain the graphical representation of any window showed in the application. 
ASP.NET is the web advancement model and AJAX is an expansion of ASP.NET for creating and executing AJAX usefulness. 
It is the innovation utilized for working with information and databases. 
9. Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) 
It helps in building work process based applications in Windows. 
10.  Windows Presentation Foundation 
It gives a partition between the client interface and the business rationale. 
11. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 
It is the innovation utilized for building and executing associated ASP.Net frameworks. 
12. Windows CardSpace 
It gives security to getting to assets and sharing individual data on the web. 
13. LINQ 
It grants information questioning capacities to .Net dialects utilizing a punctuation which is like the convention inquiry dialect SQL.

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