Thursday 21 April 2016

Oracle ADF Online Training

Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) is a conclusion to-end application structure that expands on Java EE norms and open-source advancements to streamline and quicken actualizing endeavor applications. Prophet ADF is appropriate for big business designers who need to make applications that pursuit, show, make, adjust, and accept information utilizing web, versatile, and desktop interfaces.

You can utilize the entire Oracle ADF structure to make an application, or you can utilize parts of the system in blend with different advances. All through this aide, applications that contain any ADF innovations are by and large alluded to as ADF applications. Web applications that fuse ADF advances all through the business administration, model, controller, and perspective layers are alluded to as Fusion web applications.

Framework Architecture and Supported Technologies:

In accordance with group best practices, applications you manufacture utilizing Oracle ADF accomplish a spotless partition of worries by holding fast to a model, view, controller design. Figure 1-1 outlines where each ADF module fits in this design. The center module in the system is Oracle ADF Model, a revelatory information tying office that executes the JSR-227 determination. The Oracle ADF Model layer empowers a brought together way to deal with tie any client interface to any business administration with no code. Alternate modules Oracle ADF involves are:

  • Prophet ADF Controller incorporates Struts and JSF with Oracle ADF Model 
  • Prophet ADF Faces offers a library of parts for web applications worked with JSF 
  • Prophet ADF Swing stretches out Oracle ADF Model to desktop applications worked with Swing 
  • Prophet ADF Business Components rearranges building business administrations for designers acquainted with 4GL devices like Oracle Forms. 

  1. View Layer Technologies Supported 
  2. Controller Layer Technologies Supported 
  3. Business Services Technologies Supported by ADF Model 
  4. Suggested Technologies for J2EE Enterprise Developers

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